Friday, January 14, 2011

Are New Age teachings dangerous or sinful?

How can you combine New Age teachings and techniques with true Christianity? Many would say that you can’t. A lot of New Age teachings take things a bit too far for Christians. Some promote self-deification, which is the belief that we are all divine, or that we can all become gods. Some promote reincarnation and other Eastern philosophies which simply aren’t inline with Christian scripture. Some teachings say that God is not a supreme being but rather a force, like in the Star Wars movies. And some say that we are saved by good works, whereas Christians believe that we are saved by grace; that our salvation is a gift from God.

I firmly believe that some New Age and Eastern philosophies can actually strengthen Christianity’s message. They affirm Jesus, proving his divinity and validating his wisdom. The more Eastern philosophy I have studied, the more amazing Jesus becomes in my eyes. But this isn’t a blog on Eastern philosophy. This is a blog about Christianity.

My ultimate purpose is to help people become followers of Jesus Christ. For this to occur, I believe people must get the gist of what Christ was trying to teach and reveal to us. And then, people must have both the spiritual and practical guidance necessary to actually follow.

You see, the definition of sin is to miss the mark, or to miss the point. There are far too many Christians who get mired in doctrine or saving souls (and turning people off), or they simply don’t know how to follow Jesus in their daily lives.

So what's the benefit of incorporating New Age teachings with Christianity?
By using some variants of New Age teachings, we can gain a clearer picture of Christianity. It is vital to understand the fundamentals of living by faith and trust in God, so that we may develop healthy, meaningful relationships with God and with the world around us.

But it is important to note that practicing other religions is NOT encouraged by New Age Christians. We simply want to use appropriate wisdom and helpful practices to enhance our Christian experience.