Friday, January 21, 2011

What on earth are we doing here on earth?

New Age Christians are committed to living with purpose. We want our lives to have meaning and fulfillment. We want to make a difference in the world. That is why we seek Truth. That is why we spend time learning. That is why we incorporate spiritual disciplines into our daily experience.

Every NAC should develop an individualized mission statement, which is a brief, clear statement of your spiritual mission in this life, i.e. what you want to do. And then develop a purpose statement, which briefly states why you are going to do it.

But before you can do that, it may be helpful to have some context. Let's step back for a moment and address the reasons for our existence and God's general intention for us.

Why are we here? Why did God create us?
God created Mankind and the universe to express Himself, as an artist would. Your life can be a masterpiece. This world can be a masterpiece. If only we let the vision of the artist truly manifest.

What is the meaning of life? What is our general purpose?
The pursuit of Pleasure. The pursuit of Knowledge. The pursuit of Virtue.
A life must have a balance of all three in order to achieve Harmony. (more about this on another day)

What mission and purpose did Jesus give us?
He told us to find His lost sheep. He is the head shepherd who has put His trust in us to protect His flock, to do whatever it takes to find the least and the lost of this world, so that they may experience His infinite love and grace.

He told us to be Light. Think of it like this, He is the Sun, and we are the Moon. We are meant to reflect His glory, so that people are drawn to Him. 

He told us to be the Salt of the Earth. Salt is a preservative that is rubbed into meat to keep it from decaying. We Christians are all grains of salt. We must be rubbed into the world, not just lightly sprinkled upon it. That is why it is so important to transform ourselves into loving, compassionate, wise and selfless people. So that we preserve the planet and it's people. And, like salt, we draw out the true flavor of God's creation.

Now, ask yourself what specific mission you can create for yourself, and what is your mission's purpose.