Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is it okay to do Yoga? Part 1

Yoga exists in many forms around the world. It is used by people of various religions, therefore some Christian organizations have cautioned against it. For casual Christians, it can sometimes lead toward the adoption of Eastern theologies. They may interpret the physical and mental benefits of a yoga experience as part of the spiritual fulfillment they seek. But to a New Age Christian, yoga simply offers wonderful methods to enhance physical and mental well being, as well as tools to meditate in order to contemplate and receive God's wisdom and love. And whatever helps connect you to God is worth exploring.

Hatha and Vinyasa are forms of Yoga that involve physical conditioning, the kind that you'll experience in classes at your local gym. Through various poses and breathing techniques, an individual can enhance his/her body's strength, flexibility and balance. These types of yoga provide a keen awareness of an individual's muscles and joints, which promotes a more proactive relationship with physical wellness. Additionally, many people have found that yoga exercise is helpful in relieving mental stress. The relief of stress is not only beneficial to your health and well being, it makes it easier to experience the presence of God. You release yourself from the mental chains of everyday life, so that you can shift your emotional and spiritual state to a more peaceful place.

So it's perfectly okay to incorporate yoga into your wellness plan. But remember, there are many different types of classes and instructors. Simply look for a yoga class that is meant for exercise, and you'll be on your way to a better physical and mental state of being. Oh, and if someone says to you, "Namaste," they are just greeting you or acknowledging you and the spirit within you.

Namaste. Have a blessed day.